
Shipping Out the Clutter

How many of you are starting (or thinking about starting) to do some spring cleaning?  If you’re like me, that is probably going to involve some purging of some kind.  I usually utilize a “keep, sell/consign, donate, trash” method when I am going through things.  I tried something new yesterday for my “donate” stash that I have started to collect: shipping it to a donation site FOR FREE.  Oh yea, that’s right.

Around Christmas time, I saw a post on Facebook that talked about how there was a company that was partnered with various online retailers like Amazon that would ship your donated items in your old shipping boxes for free!  I had this in the back of my mind, so I have been stashing all our Amazon boxes since then.  I had been filling the largest one that I had as I have been going through closest and cabinets and such.  It was full, so I went ahead and logged on to GiveBackBox.com.  Now, at first, I did not see the freebie option.  I got the their homepage and clicked “Get Label Now”, but all of the prompts had a $15 price tag attached.  At first, I thought maybe the free option was something that was a limited time offer.  I checked out more of their website and found what I needed under their “Influencers” tab.

Once I clicked the Amazon logo, it redirected me to their site.

From there I found their specific link for GiveBackBox.com.  It prompted me to give my zip code and email address followed by giving me my free label to print out.

By providing your email address and creating a log in account, you can also have a tax deduction emailed to you once your donated items have been delivered.  I scheduled a free pick up with the USPS, and my postal worker picked up my donation box from my front porch when he delivered my mail.  So easy!

Have you ever tried something like this?  Do you think you will? I want to read all about your experience in the comments below.