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It’s been a while since I updated ye olde gallery wall in the kitchen. Before this most recent update for Valentine’s Day, I had a mix of fall and Christmas up there because I really couldn’t get it together!
What can I say, pregnancy and the newborn that follows doesn’t lend much extra energy for decorating…
But we’ve gotten into a pretty good groove here as a new family of four, so here’s a look at some of the fun I’ve been having around the house:

Some old favorites returned, like the red and white bakery sign, metal coffee bar sign, and my Aiden Chalkboard.

I had an extra board painted red from Christmas. I added a little “love” in the corner, and it became a perfect piece of Love Day decor. That metal envelope came from my winter Decocrated box. I had some iced faux eucalyptus stems that I tucked inside.

My favorite sign this time is the square one with the wreath. I tried something new and experimented with giving a green chalkboard that I already had a new, but temporary look. (Check out one of my chalkboard’s past looks here.)
I took a piece of cardboard and cut it to size so that it would fit inside of the frame of my chalkboard. I painted it and added a patterned transfer. I tucked it in to the frame and added a wreath but stringing through a piece of ribbon and tucking it around the back side. I really like how it turned out, but I do think that next time I will use a piece of foam board instead. The moisture of the paint caused the cardboard to curl up, so the edges do not stick down how I’d like them to. That was my original plan, but I already had cardboard on hand.

I brought back my wooden tiered tray and filled it up with some pink and white mugs to fit the theme.

I picked up these cute house canisters from target on clearance after Christmas. That little wooden sign was another piece of my winter Decocrated box.

I have a couple other touches for Valentine’s Day around the kitchen. I added my DIY heart pom pillow to my bench along with another Decocrated piece. The striped pillow cover came in one of my earlier boxes last year.
As for the heart pillow, I just took two placemats that I picked up at Target’s dollar spot last year and glued them together around the edges. I left a little space open to stuff then glued it shut when I was done stuffing. Such an easy no-sew project!
(You can check out my DIY painted Buffalo check wall here).

Starting at Christmas I took it a lot easier on the table decor. We eat at this table every day, and now that Drew is more interested in crafts and play doh and such, we found ourselves moving the table settings a lot. I used yet another awesome piece from the Decocrated winter box with the little wooden stand. I snagged the bottle brush trees from Pier 1 at Christmas time. I just added a little wooden and metal heart to bring on some Valentine festivity.

The placemats have been the real star of the show lately. I love, love, love my farmhouse table, but it does have a lot of cracks and crevices that tend to catch all the crumbs. I wanted to try to figure out a way to cut back on that. I didn’t want a table cloth and I wanted something wipeable (because, #kids). I did a little google searching and came across these from Target! They have a cork bottom and a wipeable top. They have been so great and I am so happy with the purchase. They were only $5 a piece.

A tip though- at first they kept sliding around on the table. I flipped them over and used my glue gun to add some traction strips on the bottom. It did the trick- they stay right where I want them!

And that, my friends, is what Valentine’s Day decor is looking like around here! Do you decorate for Valentine’s Day?