**As I am finishing up some nursery details, I was checking out some posts that I had in my drafts written up for the nursery. I wrote this while pregnant, but never hit publish for some reason. Anywho, here are some of my thoughts in planning the nursery, 9 months after the baby has been born (haha!)**
We have opted to not find out the gender of any of our babies. It’s tough sometimes, and curiosity has definitely been eating away at me this go around, but waiting has been one of the best decisions! Hearing Steve tell me “it’s a boy!” with Drew was the best. I cannot wait to meet this little nugget and find out if we are adding another boy or a little girl to our crew!
I like to have the nursery set up and decorated before the baby arrives. This means I need to keep the decor and color schemes pretty neutral so that they can work for a baby girl or a baby boy.
For Drew, I went with a woodland creature theme. I thought that I had way more photos of his nursery than I apparently do. (Whoops!) I tend pick a theme and a color scheme; for Drew’s nursery I went with teal and a coral toned orange.

We are keeping (almost) all of the same furniture. We have a wood toned crib and dresser. The dresser is a new addition this time because Drew took his dresser to his new room. For a changing table, I had painted an antique wash stand from my grandmother. I plan on repainting it this time to a teal color.

We are also going with the same paint color- Perfect Greige by Sherwin Williams. The nursery was the first room we painted in this color, and it has become my go to color when I want a good neutral.
This time around, I am going for a hot air balloon theme!

A lot of the elements are the same, including the color scheme. I am focusing more on the teal color this time than the coral-orange. I am also incorporating more of a mustard yellow.
I found this color palette on Pinterest and fell in love!

I have a lot of DIY projects wrapped up in the decor this time. They are all finally coming together, so I’ll be posting soon!!**
Just a couple more weeks until we will be meeting the new tenant of this room!**