I saw these adorable tea bag shortbread cookies on Next to Nicx paper tea cup post. Of course, I wanted to make my own version for Ivy’s Tea for Two birthday party.

Instead of shortbread, I used bagged sugar cookie mix.

After making the dough, I rolled it out and used a pizza cutter to cut out approximately 1″x2″ rectangles.

I primarily skipped the cookie cutter because I didn’t want to pay nearly $10 for a one time use cookie cutter. Making the shape the way I did with the pizza cutter was easy. It really probably took the same amount of time as it would have to use a cookie cutter.
I used a turner to move separate the cut dough and place it onto the baking sheets.
Then I trimmed off the corners a little and used a coffee stirrer to make the hole at the top.

Once the cookies were baked and cooled, it was time to decorate.

I used candy melts, sprinkles, and cookie decorating icing.
Sidebar: Candy Melts Hack
Let’s talk about the candy melts though, because I tried something new with them and it was life changing! So I usually just follow the microwave instructions and work in small batched to keep them from getting gummy. WELL. This time, I put the whole bag into my mini crockpot- its the size perfect to a cheese dip. I started them on low when I was began making the cookies and by the time I was ready to dip, they were all perfectly melted. Switching to the warm setting meant that I could take as long as needed to work them them. Such a game changer! So if you find yourself working with candy melts at any point, grab a mini crockpot to make it a much easier experience.
At first, I planned to dip the sand melt in sprinkles. After my first one, I realized how dense the sprinkles would be; it completely covered up the pink of the melts. Instead, I shook the sprinkles on top before the melt dried.
The “2”s were drawn on with the cookie icing and sprinkles were dumped on to create a dense sprinkle number 2.

I bagged them up in little snack sized bags from Dollar Tree and they were good to go!