Showing 5 Result(s)
Decor Kid's Rooms

Mermaid Big Girl Bedroom

The project of the summer has been my daughter’s mermaid big girl bedroom! We went with a mermaid “theme”, but I use the word theme lightly. I wanted to pick elements that could easily (and inexpensively) be interchanged to update according to her interests. I love how it all came together, and her reaction was …

Decor DIY

Mermaid Tail Wreath

Today I’m sharing another piece from the gallery wall in my daughters room: her mermaid tail wreath! This is a near exact copy of @dollartreelovers version . I saw her video on Tik Tok and saved it to recreate- I loved everything she did!  Supplies: • two mermaid tail wreath forms from Dollar Tree •fabric(s) …